• EBFlex Another awful, overpriced, and uninteresting golf cart that nobody wants and nobody will buy. At least the fake lightning has company now. Two trucks that suck at being trucks.
  • EBFlex It would be ironic but the government should mandate a way to completely disable the radios that transmit OUT of a vehicle. Receiving signals (XM, AM/FM) would be allowed but the rest should be able to be disabled quickly and easily.
  • EBFlex Absolute garbage.Ford is up to 25 recalls for the year affecting 2,955,962 vehicles. 2nd place is FCA at 21 recalls affecting 1 million vehicles.Farley needs to be fired ASAP.
  • Yuda More ev trashIt's sad automakers are being forced into this bs instead of being allowed to innovate stuff that people ACTUALLY FRIGGIN WANT
  • Buickman measure the magnetic frequency riding on a giant battery frying your nads.I'd rather have a Malibu~ oh wait... generalwatch.com